Q: What ingredients are in Windex® Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaners?
A: Most Windex® Glass and Multi-Surface Cleaners are formulated with detergents, solvents, fragrance and in some cases ammonia (see below for ammonia-free products). For more information about what goes inside SC Johnson products, visit whatsinsidescjohnson.com.
Q: What Windex® products are ammonia-free?
A: The following products do not contain ammonia. They can be used in cases where cleaning with ammonia is not recommended. • Windex® Ammonia-Free Glass Cleaner • Windex® Vinegar Glass Cleaner • Windex® Multi-Surface Disinfectant Cleaner • Windex® Outdoor Sprayer • Windex® Electronics Wipes
Q: Can I use Windex® products on my car windows?
A:For car windows, we recommend using Windex® Ammonia-Free Glass Cleaner. You can use Windex® Ammonia-Free Glass Cleaner on your car’s tinted windows, mirrors, glass, chrome, stainless steel, plastic, and vinyl surfaces. For a streak-free shine, clean car windows when the surface is cool and out of direct sunlight whenever possible.
Q:What can I do to get my windows and glass surfaces really clean?
A:If spraying Windex® Glass Cleaner and paper towels aren’t achieving the sparkle you’re searching for, try wiping with a different towel. Lint-free cotton cloths, microfiber towels, untreated paper towels, newspaper or old, clean cloth diapers work great. Be sure to use enough Windex® product to remove all the dirt and change cleaning towels as they become soiled. Cleaning windows on a cloudy day works best. Sunlight can heat up windows causing sprays to dry before you can wipe them clean. For more tips check out How to Give Glass an Unbeatable Streak-free Shine*.
Q: When I clean my windows, it's a race to wipe up the spray before it hits the sills. Any tips for beating the drips?
A: For cleaning larger windows at a more leisurely pace, try dividing the window into four sections. Start at the top left, spray, and then wipe the cleaning solution off before moving to the next section. Work your way clockwise around the whole window. You'll have plenty of time to catch the drips.
For cleaning smaller surfaces, Windex® Original Wipes achieve a streak-free shine in a spray-free format.
Q: Can I use Windex® products to clean screens and electronic devices?
A: Windex® Electronics Wipes are safe to use on television screens, laptops, computer screens, phones, and camera lenses. These wipes are safe and effective on removing fingerprints, dust and grime without damaging the screen. Just make sure to unplug and turn off any device before you wipe it clean.
Q: What is the difference between the outdoor products?
A: The Windex® Outdoor Sprayer is a convenient spray-and-rinse cleaner that makes it easy to give outdoor windows a streak-free shine without wiping. It can also be used on patio furniture, playsets and other plastic and vinyl surfaces.
Q: Do Windex® bottles contain recycled plastic?
A: Yes, Windex® bottles are made from 100% Recovered Coastal Plastic*. Windex® bottles are also completely recyclable—look for the symbol on the bottom of the bottles and please recycle. Learn more about our commitment to sustainability on the SC Johnson website.
*Claim based on Windex® Original lab testing against leading competitor glass cleaners per AC Nielsen 52 weeks ended 8/27/2016